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PCOS ≠ the End of your Fertility

“I have PCOS so I never will be able to have kids.” This statement, and statements similar to it, break my heart. Some women express...

Are You Drinking Estrogen?

Estrogen Dominance is a bit of a catch phrase in the world of women's health and fertility right now. This is because many women suffer...

Navigating Estrogen Dominance

We all know estrogen is a very important hormone when it comes to the female reproductive system. But, did you know you can have too much...

MTHFR...Wait, What?

In this new age of technology and DNA testing which allows us to find out where our ancestors came from and even medical history...

The Deal With Progesterone, Part II

In an earlier post, we discussed what progesterone is and why’s it’s important throughout your cycle. Symptoms of progesterone...

The Creighton Model Has Changed My Life

I want to start this post by saying, this is no way to bash other methods of Natural Family Planning. I am simply relating to you all...

The deal with progesterone

We've had some awesome blogs as of late containing advice for marriage, relationships, FertilityCare, how to navigate a natural method,...

Blog: Blog2
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