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De-mystifying NFP Jargon Part 1

There are many terms and acronyms associated with Natural Family Planning. For starters, you've got NFP as well as TTC, TTW, TTA, BBT,...

Make no decisions in the heat of ovulation

if you are wavering on your resolve to avoid pregnancy during ovulation and the fertile window of your cycle, I would pause and take time to

Far from Easter Joy

The joy of the resurrection isn't always noticeable during suffering.

The Dreaded Question

It’s no secret that there are a lot of particular and personal questions a FertilityCare Practitioner asks a client during a follow-up....

We are not the sex police

"Can we have sex" on such-and-such day? This question pops up in follow ups all the time. Spoiler alert: if you're married and you're...

A "You" Shaped Cross

This is an excerpt I wrote back in December 2022: “This comes to you after a lot of tears. And I mean a lot. Phone calls, frustration,...

NFP Shopping

If you're looking for the right "fit" Natural Family Planning method... here's a bunch of information all in one place about Creighton...

Why I teach Creighton as an RN

I started to share my story a couple weeks ago. I want to share more how I started teaching Creighton as a Registered Nurse. After I...

A Lifetime of Honeymoons

It's no secret that when using any type of NFP, a period of abstinence is used during the fertile time of a woman’s cycle if the couple...

Open to Life

On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, the priest will often ask the mothers or fathers in the congregation to stand for a special blessing....

I Hate Using NFP

I hate using NFP. It's true. I also hate eating an alternative diet, exercising, cleaning my house, and giving birth. I could pretty much...

It's Time to Leave Your Tomb

By the grace of God, we have made it through another Lenten season. We have journeyed forty days through the desert of fasting and...

Blog: Blog2
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