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The virtue of waiting

When it comes to waiting, there are very few things that compare to what can be the agony and anxiety induced by waiting. Having some end...

Lent, suffering, and fertility

We're well into Lent now, and I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but it seems to me that life always feels a little extra "hard"...

Do Not Let Anxiety Control Your Charting

I am someone who unfortunately struggles with anxiety. It is been something I've dealt with since I was 15 years old. It comes and goes,...

My fertility journey

Everyone’s experience with NFP is unique. Women and couples seek it out for so many different reasons and usually stay with it for...

How Far is Too Far? - When Avoiding

We're avoiding pregnancy. How far is too far during fertility? This is a pretty common question that I get. Essentially, the question is...

Clients tell-all

We haven't interviewed a client on our blog since last summer and we thought it was time again to check in with some real-life Creighton...

Sexual Freedom

One complaint that sometimes comes up about using Creighton Model (CrMS) is the constraints that some couples feel it places on their...

"Catholic Contraception"

“Catholic contraception”, an oxymoron if ever there was one. But there are many people who use this term to define Creighton Model...

Charting as an Engaged Couple

Many new clients that practitioners see are engaged couples. These couples may have found the Creighton Model System on their own, or it...

When should I start charting?

A question we get often as practitioners is "when should I begin charting?" or "when I should I start learning Creighton?" The quick...

Blog: Blog2
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