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The sacredness of the moment

Starting to observe and chart can be overwhelming. It is can feel impossible to keep charting especially when life gets busy or something...

Open to Life

On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, the priest will often ask the mothers or fathers in the congregation to stand for a special blessing....

Why mucus matters

The Creighton Model System is all about charting mucus. But what is mucus and why does it matter? Why do we care so much about charting...

Navigating Estrogen Dominance

We all know estrogen is a very important hormone when it comes to the female reproductive system. But, did you know you can have too much...

This is my Body: A Reflection for Holy Week

As we enter in Holy Week, I want to share some reflections on suffering. Suffering is present in many stages of the fertility journey,...

Lent, suffering, and fertility

We're well into Lent now, and I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but it seems to me that life always feels a little extra "hard"...

MTHFR...Wait, What?

In this new age of technology and DNA testing which allows us to find out where our ancestors came from and even medical history...

Pregnant! What next?

What can you expect when you achieve a pregnancy while using Creighton Model? First, contact your practitioner! As part of our education...

The Creighton Model Has Changed My Life

I want to start this post by saying, this is no way to bash other methods of Natural Family Planning. I am simply relating to you all...

Genetics and Fertility

In recent years the MTHFR (pardon my language) gene mutation has gotten a lot of notoriety in the fertility world. It turns out that...

NFP Myth Busting

I hear quite a few myths about NFP, and as a practitioner intern, I want to counter these myths and provide accurate information about...

Rhyme and Reason to Fertility?

I've heard a million response about why FertilityCare will never work. For example: -"there is no rhyme or reason to fertility" -"my...

Loss and Infertility: A Man's Perspective

Infertility is not only something which hurts the hearts of women as they struggle to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to full term. The...

You asked, we answered!

We reached out on social media asking what questions you have about Creighton Model, or Natural Family Planning more broadly. Below are...

Diet and Fertility

It seems like food is a theme for Groesbeck practitioners isn’t it? What we have is a glimpse into the life and reality that a lot of our...

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