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The sacredness of the moment

Starting to observe and chart can be overwhelming. It is can feel impossible to keep charting especially when life gets busy or something...

Why mucus matters

The Creighton Model System is all about charting mucus. But what is mucus and why does it matter? Why do we care so much about charting...

New Year, New You?

Here we meet again friends, three days into the New Year of 2023. So how are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? If you are a...

The Creighton Model Has Changed My Life

I want to start this post by saying, this is no way to bash other methods of Natural Family Planning. I am simply relating to you all...

Clients tell-all

We haven't interviewed a client on our blog since last summer and we thought it was time again to check in with some real-life Creighton...

NFP Myth Busting

I hear quite a few myths about NFP, and as a practitioner intern, I want to counter these myths and provide accurate information about...

The not-so-secret secrets to success

Regardless of why you're using Creighton Model, whether to achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy or learn more about your fertility, we want...

PMS...Can I Find Relief?

I am sure when you think of PMS you think of a time, you yourself or another woman you know, when you may possibly be at your worst....

You want me to chart WHAT?!?

I’ve clients get REALLY excited over the thought of learning about their cycles, or preparing for marriage, or just learning about their...

What is it like to learn Creighton?

We've talked a lot about different aspects of charting, when to start charting, what to do if you see an unexpected pattern in your...

Stress and Your Cycle Part 1

With the holidays coming up, you probably have a lot on your mind. Whose family are we visiting when? Will the gifts I ordered online...

Should teenagers chart their cycle?

Isn’t NFP just for engaged and married couples? It’s just for avoiding and achieving pregnancy, right? While the Creighton model can...

Blog: Blog2
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