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Demystifying NFP Jargon Part 2

There are so many NFP terms that I have decided to create a part 2 to explain more NFP jargon. Let's jump in!

De-mystifying NFP Jargon Part 1

There are many terms and acronyms associated with Natural Family Planning. For starters, you've got NFP as well as TTC, TTW, TTA, BBT,...

Am I Ovulating if I Have a Period??

As a young lady, I believed that having a period meant that I must be ovulating and was able to get pregnant. Many women have had "the...

Why I teach Creighton as an RN

I started to share my story a couple weeks ago. I want to share more how I started teaching Creighton as a Registered Nurse. After I...

There's a Supplement for That?

I'm a little granola crunchy. Ok. I lie. I'm a lot of granola crunchy. Western medicine has failed me so many times that I could dedicate...

I Hate Using NFP

I hate using NFP. It's true. I also hate eating an alternative diet, exercising, cleaning my house, and giving birth. I could pretty much...

Observational Challenges Postpartum

Having a new baby is simultaneously exciting and exhausting. Charting postpartum can have its challenges. How can you fit in observations...

NFP Myth Busting

I hear quite a few myths about NFP, and as a practitioner intern, I want to counter these myths and provide accurate information about...


Hope. Why should any woman care about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System? One of the main reasons: hope. And that is a reality....

What is SPICE anyway?

Spice is an integral part of the Creighton Model System that helps married couples grow in love and intimacy

Effectiveness for Avoiding Pregnancy

Let’s talk numbers! How well does Creighton Model System (CrMS) really work for avoiding pregnancy? Let me first reiterate that CrMS is...

Blog: Blog2
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