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Professional Development for the Groesbeck FertilityCare Center

Writer's picture: Natalie Klinkhammer, CFCPNatalie Klinkhammer, CFCP

The Groesbeck FertilityCare Practitioners
The Groesbeck FertilityCare Practitioners

This past Saturday, December 7th, the lovely FCPs and CFCPs met for a day of professional development for the Groesbeck FertilityCare Center at our yearly in-person retreat day for professional development at the beautiful St. Mary’s in Williamston. This year marked our fourth year of meeting in person to discuss the vision of GFCC for the year all while sharing plenty of fellowship, support, and good food.  Today’s blog will focus on different aspects of the day as well as exciting new developments for GFCC.


One of the most unique aspects of our day of professional development is that we are able to begin our day with Mass! While we begin and end everyone of our meetings in prayer, the ability to attend Mass together with all of the wonderful women of our center reminds us of who it is calling us to this special and unique work, and that we should keep Him as the center of all we do for the center and our clients.

     Following Mass, we gather together for a delicious potluck breakfast, which is no easy feat considering the many unique dietary needs of our practitioners! (Shoutout to Daria this year for making a delightful cranberry orange loaf that everyone could partake in without anyone needing to go to the hospital…woot woot!) And while our time allotted for breakfast and fellowship never seems long enough, we take that as a good sign that we are all so blessed to work with women we consider such good friends as well.

     After lots of yummy food, we moved right into the business agenda for the day, reviewing the 2025 Practitioner Contracts we sign each year as working for the Center followed by discussing any openings that will be occurring to the Board of Directors for the year. We then review and finalize all of the meeting dates for the 2025 year. The center holds regularly monthly meetings with the Board of Directors meeting quarterly as well.

     Following that, we moved into a much needed (but much dreaded…at least by me) discussion of GFCC transitioning to using Microsoft Teams for more cohesive scheduling, communication, and- most importantly- improved security for our clients. Jenny was so very patient and kind in answering all of the questions in a way that even the less tech-inclined of our practitioners (it’s me) could understand. Her presentation has made us excited for this new transition to providing better care for our clients!

     Since our brains were in need of a break, we ate a tasty potluck lunch before quickly heading into some more business for the afternoon, including selecting a patron saint for our center (stay tuned- more to follow in our future blogs!) We spent the rest of the afternoon focusing on blogs; updating our referral list of physicians and other allied healthcare professionals; client contracts; 2025 pricing; and a new referral process to NaPro physicians we will be using to streamline care between the client, the FCP, and the NaPro physician. The day ended with materials distribution (which was like Christmas morning but with charts, stamps, User Manuals, and- my personal fav- mini Picture Dictionary) before ending the day in prayer and heading our separate ways, refreshed and renewed in this work together. While a whole Saturday during the busy month of December seems like a lot to give up, the FertilityCare Practitioners at the Groesbeck FertilityCare Center know it was time well spent in making our center the best it can be for our clients!



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