I first heard of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System in April of 2019. At that point in our marriage, my husband and I had three children. With my youngest turning one and breastfeeding officially ending, my menstrual cycle was back in full force with an a vengeance that had become the new "normal" after weaning my second baby over 2 years. For one week each month I would become an anxious, weepy mess, barely able to keep up with the demands of my life as a stay-at-home mom who worked about one shift a week as an ER nurse. For the other 3 weeks of the month, I still felt like myself and enjoyed both my time at work and my time at home with my children. Since my husband and I had always practiced some variation of NFP, it was not hard to figure out that this one week of misery was always the week before my period started. I scheduled an appointment with my non-NFP specific OB/GYN who diagnosed my symptoms as PMDD, PMS's even uglier cousin, and prescribed me an antidepressant. While the antidepressant offered some support during my "bad" week, it was causing high anxiety and difficulties sleeping on my normal three weeks. When I came back to him for follow-up, he suggested I stop the antidepressant and see a therapist instead. I found a Catholic therapist, made an appointment, and prayed for an answer.
At my first appointment, the therapist immediately concurred with my diagnosis of PMDD and suggested I make an appointment with the Creighton Model NaPro OB/GYN in her group to see what he would suggest. I met with the physician who suggested starting progesterone on post-ovulatory days 3-12 but recommended getting a series of progesterone levels drawn prior to starting the therapy. Before I was able to get the recommended lab work, I discovered I was pregnant.
With no prior issues maintaining a pregnancy and no real understanding of the impacts of progesterone on pregnancy, I returned to my old OB group who I felt completely confident in and comfortable with handling my pregnancy. At the 8 week ultrasound, the baby was measuring behind for dates, and her heartbeat was very slow and irregular. An ultrasound the following week revealed no heartbeat, and I miscarried Gloria Grace two days later at nine weeks gestation.
Determined more than ever to find an answer to hormonal issues, I enrolled in a Creighton Model FertilityCare System class and began charting immediately. Follow-up bloodwork with the NaPro physician did indeed reveal a lower-than-optimal level of progesterone, and I have been using progesterone therapy with much success and relief since September 2019.
Without the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, my life today would be on a dramatically different path, and it is out of gratitude and a desire to help others through the experience and knowledge that I have gained that I sought professional training in this system. The Creighton Model FertilityCare System has given me insights into my health through a system that is both easy-to-understand and scientific. On a more personal level, I understand the frustrations and sadness surrounding a miscarriage and other fertility issues. Without a doubt, the Creighton Model FertilityCare System is the most effective system my husband and I have used in our marriage to achieve our family goals while still being open to life. The Creighton Model and NaPro technology supported me during my last pregnancy and helped me carry a beautiful baby girl into this world. Inspired by my own experience with the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, I am eager to share the genius of this system with others and am passionate about helping women and couples no matter where they are on their fertility journey. Reach out to one of our practitioners today to get started!